Tuesday, May 22, 2012


        I've been in kind of a funk for the past week or so. I'm not really sure why. I've been missing people and just antsy. I'm no good at letting go of things. I get so very attached to people and places. I'm also no good at unemployment. Being in between jobs has been driving me crazy. I'm used to doing not waiting. So to help me out with this funk I've decided to think of all the things I'm happy to have.

     I've been incredibly blessed in my life and I sometimes do a good job at forgetting that. My family is something I am so very grateful for. We are sometimes an odd bunch. Like me my family doesn't always talk about things. We tend to work through things in our own way. But we are really good at being a family. We don't really fight ever. Probably because we are mostly pretty passive but it works for us. We just work and that is something I love. We have these kind of unspoken family traditions...

My oldest brother brings us food :) You can see why he is dear to my heart. He hunts and fishes and feeds us so it all works out for us. Usually when he feeds us we get the stories and I really like listening to the stories. We also spend a lot of evenings with his family watching his son play whatever sport is in season. That's our tradition with my oldest brother.

My oldest sister and I just so happen to be a lot like our mother. So a lot like each other too. We tend to spend quiet evenings reading or taking pictures (sharing pictures). We like doing crafty things. We like to eat! (And they are good cooks) We watch old movies and talk. But my favorite thing that we do is just being able to sit around quietly. We don't have to talk constantly which is nice.

These two jokers are my other brothers. Our tradition is a lot more grounded. We watch movies. I never actually pick... well I kind of do because I know their tastes so well. Every time I come home we go watch the newest Tim Burton or Martin Scorsese. This year we have added two new members to our little movie club, their girlfriends. I am now a fifth wheel but also a founder of the club so I feel good about the changes :) Plus no one could really love and talk about these movies with my brothers like I can!

 My last sister is probably the most animated out of all of us. She has always had this crazy sparkle about her. Our traditions are watching her kids while talking about plans that are just crazy enough to maybe happen and we talk about guys :) Well she talks about guys and I listen since I usually have nothing to share. It's her sparkle factor!

That's my family and that's just one of the things that make me happy. My nephews and nieces and extended family are included in that! I love spending time at my grandma's house. We get together several times a year. It's my mom's side and she comes from a farely large family. Get togethers are spent eating good food and just sitting around talking about life. This is something I love.

I love my hobbies. I'm not exactly obsessed with anything in particular. I tend to go from one thing to the next. I like to paint, sew, write, read, do outdoorsy stuff, photography, dancing... I like a lot of things. 

I love simple things. I love the smell before it rains, fresh cut grass, the sweetness of spring and the crispness of fall. I love sunsets, sunrises, thunderstorms and rainy days. I like to ride with the windows down and the radio on while driving down familiar dirt roads. I like the beach and attempting to body board. I love that I grew up by a lake. I love the country and I love some cities. 

I can think of so many things that make me happy and I could go on and on. I haven't even talked about friendships and ministry. I realize that this blog post is entirely selfish. But sometimes I just need a boost and I realize that other people do too. I hope if nothing else this has reminded you to count your blessings. 


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